Friday, February 5, 2010

I Fixed My Blog!!!!!

Ok my blog has been redirecting me to wierd places when I log in....I started a new blog at DeeDee's Craft Journal ..I started to add one thing at a time and found that the snow effect I had on my computer when removed , my blog worked ok...So I am thinking they stopped that effect so my blog when loading didn't know where to go with out that command so redirected to odd places.....Yeppie....Yeppie...I love my blog and my past posts....and all my followers and my freinds and everything here...

so if you are experiencing this problem try to removed some things and see what works.

so glad I get to stay here....



Brenda said...

I think it is working ok now!!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

So glad that things seem to be in working order again and you get to stay put here. A blogging friend in Italy says that she is no longer able to blog because it seems like her's was hacked and she is having lots of problems. I just don't understand why people want to spend their time messing with someone's blog. As if them posting ads there is gonna make people want their product or what they think they are advertising. Not! It just makes people made and they realize its all a scam. No validity to it at all. Just crazy! I notice that blogs with snow and such are hard to get into and load up and sometimes can't get out of them as it just keeps taking you back again. Very aggravating. I will stick with nice and simple. Have a great weekend. Blessings, Tammy