I am here to show you my messy Studio and New Sewing Room
I don't get to use them as often as I would like
Due to medical issues the last two years.
But when I do this is where I am
My friends come to use it lots too.
Which is so nice for me ..
Cause I get to visit them often
Here we go ->>>>
Here's my spot
If I am crafting or visiting
I love it here.. nice comfy old chair
Re-done with a new computer chair base
And lovely fabrics.
My ribbon storage works wonderful this way
My punches all visible and easy to find
I know, I know it is growing outside the room
Oh No!!
So much stuff, made by Me,
Friends and Swap partners
And more storage and gifts
My storage wall... houses fabric and craft supplies
And yes I know where everything is
It is all organized... well kinda...
(blushing laugh)
Have to have a TV to watch Craft Wars!!
See my lace storage this works well also
And more storage along with my
Sturdy stepping stool
(hint: the chair)
Organized magazines, ribbons and laces
( yes I love trims..ALOT!!)
This soon will have a table attached
To hold MY new Cricut so I can use it more often
Yes I broke down and purchased
Another Cricut.. couldn't live with out one.
Here is where I sit and talk to you all.
Sorry for all the mess and dust
its been a ruff year...
Ok lets see some of the details
The Fluer De Lis
Will be a new icon in this room
Hopefully which will be all decorated by
Next years preview
( I am the one that buys them out at
Hobby Lobby..hehehe!)
A girls gotta have bling ,right!!!
I started working with metals some
My organized spot..
My friends have made me
Some very pretty
Things to hold my stuff
I love each one so much..
(I mean the friends and the lil pretties)
My teachers chair has new life
Thanks to the broken computer chair
I took the good parts from each and
Made an awesome very workable chair..
I did it with a normal oak chair who's
Legs were broken off
They now go up and down and have
A bit of suspension..
So much more comfy too
I designed these little trash keepers
To match my room
I love this lots.
And it matches
( I am so bad I know it)
Look how I store all the new readers I now need
That's new since last year also...
And my stylish magnetic boards.
I so love the lace look
Holds my fun magnets as I make them
PSS!!! I need your help
I need an idea to make something with
That ladies High Heel sitting there
Can you help me out??
My lace and trims storage has been working very good
I can see it and use it so much better now..
Got to have my grandies near by.
Don't ya love my new hat stand too
She glows in the dark like a night light
My boys truely love barking at her
Ok Lets take a look at my sewing room
She is just beginning to take shape
I love my cotton fabrics all sorted..
I use it way more now
Soon I hope above this shelf
Will be a design board
And that old yucky mirror you see
Well, she will be all re-done and looking pretty too
And more useful than she is now
A couple more hat stands...hahaha!
And the starts of my new grand-daughters
Halloween costume
She is due next month.
I think she will be a princess..
I did get my sewing machine cover a makeover
Earlier this year
Isn't she pretty now?
I am glad I finally found a space to hang these Lil Lovlies
I made these way back when my girl was little
Over 20 years ago...UGH! I am old
While stationed in Germany
They had a kit of the month for us military ladies.
These are highlighted with hand embroidery
And used to hang in my daughters room
I still love the memories they bring my heart
A beautiful refashion/recycle project
(Sorry for the bad picture)
Lovely gifts from lovely friends
And so my style too
More gifts from friends
This is also my antique room
Has the treadle machine I learnt to sew in there
All covered up right now thou.
My goal now is this:
To find a spot for all this to fit
So I can have my living room back.
It has been here for over 4 months at least now
I refused to stuff it into the closets
I might just need to donate some of it
I am standing strong for now
And really quite used to it being there..
Well there you have it
Please keep a prayer that I soon
Can use these spaces as I would like to
And create some lovely things to share with you
Thanks for visiting
The door is always open
And you are welcome back anytime.
it's such a representation of your feminine style. :)DD, is this what you call messy? what does clean look like then? you'd walk into my house where i have art scatterings in nearly every room, in little piles, & you'd gasp in horror.
Dee Dee it lovely to see you here what a cool space you have to play in ...high heel a pin cushion ???? hugs wendy
Thank you very much for this VERY interesting and breathtaking tour through your crafting estate... (But it's good you can't see me now, sitting here green with envy... so much space... so organized... *sigh*)
I really hope your health will improve so that you can really get back to crafting!
My goodness, DeeDee. You are bursting at the seams with so much crafting goodness. The craft kit for the military wives is such a lovely idea and those little pictures you made are so sweet.
I can see why the boys would be barking at that "hat stand" - HA! Everything looks great. It's nice you are able to share it with your friends.
Wishing you all the best, Tammy
WOW you have loads of things, I wanted to come play too, Im in the process of planning a fairy shoe with a high heel if thats any inspiration for you with it, Thanks for sharing, Hazelxo
That wall of organized stuff is amazing. I love it. Very nice space. I hope this next year goes better for you!
Awesome creative Space ♥
I love your space!!! Especially your organization wall! I'm not sure I have ever seen so many plastic organization bins in one space!
Have fun!!
Hi DeeDee,
I just love your space and all the great ways you have for display and organization. Love the chair you redesigned and the bit of toile in your room too. You are so talented and your creative space provides so much inspiration.
We are neighbors of sorts as I am here in Flower Mound just a bit north of you. So nice to meet you. Thank you for sharing your awesome space. Have a great rest of the weekend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Dee Dee, your room is simply stunning! I hope that you will be feeling better and able to spend all the time you want in there very soon!
Great room, DeeDee! I see you like the clear storage containers, too. I just love mine and they were one of the first purchases I made when we moved and I got my craft/sewing room. You've also got some of my favorite patterns going on here. The harlequin pattern is one of my favorites and I love your curtain panels. I'll bet you really enjoy creating in here! Thanks for the tour!
Hay Dee Dee,
What a lovely space...
And yes your organization wall is amazing!
I think it's a pleasure to work in this space..
Thanks for sharing...
Love from Marijke from Holland
Dee Dee you studio is wonderful and I am in LOVE with your storage wall!!! Oh the things I could fill that with!!! Yes, it's absolutely fabulous and I hope you are able to spend more time in there soon. :) Thank you so much for taking us on a tour!!!
I have missed all the craft shows I used to watch....so happy there is show like Craft wars this year to watch. LOve your space......looks like a great place to get creative!
You have a nice space to work full of crafty goodness. Love how you have squeezed out every bit of storage from your space.
What a great space! Love all those organized containers and all your personal touches. Thank you for the tour.
What a fun studio.I would love one like that.I like that fact that the table is big enough for several people to gather.Have a great time-Denise
Fun, fun, fun...... I LOVE your bling. I am a new follower and will be back soon to see some of your wonderful creations from your space!
Thanks for sharing!
I've seen some of this, but not the keyboard. Wow! That is too cute! You have it all organized very well.
Wow 2 rooms - how wonderful!! They are just wonderfully organized and decorated. I do hope you will be feeling better so you can spend more time in these lovelies- I am sure if you could it would help you heal that much sooner. There is something about creating that heals body and soul!
bee blessed
wow-sa! That is one wall of bins. Your have me beat! I enjoyed seeing your space. cheers.
Dee Dee, I have a "studio" that is just OVERflowing right now -- so I want to tell you this: your rooms are much neater than mine! I also totally get your living room situation, as my dining room table is quite often a project in progress! 'Not sure what to tell you about your high heel...cover it with mother of pearl buttons and make it into a pin cushion! Or, decoupage over it. I do love your blingy computer station!!!
I don't see a mess at all. I see organization and fantastic storage! I'm new at the party this year, so I am blown away at so many talented woman. Dee Dee, I hope your back creating soon ~ sending Healing energy.
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Wow Dee Dee! your space is wonderful..I'm sorry that you haven't been able to create lately..I hope you get back in there soon. I love your trims. I used to make tassels,and I fell in love with them!
Hi Dee Dee
Yes I agree with Danielle you have certainly made the most of every inch with your storage. I love it. You too love working with fabrics like me!
Hope you are healing well and can get back to what you love!
It has been such a great tour and am enjoying so many studios and have found so much inspiration - it has been worthwhile joining the party for me too!
It was great fun peeking into your creative space - you're so organized!
Your studio is wonderful and full of everything and artist needs including bling !
Love it and love you and so happy you are back.\
A well-stocked and organized space! Love the four drawer file card cabinet on your desk -- thanks for the tour!
Hi, Dee Dee!
Your room is so organized, and your art is so pretty! I hope you are feeling better and back in your studio soon. I will pray for you.
Deedee, you are the best!!!
Erika and Sebastian
I love both your spaces and am praying you will feel well enough to spend lots of time in them soon! Thanks for sharing with us all.
Hi Dee dee, love your craft studio. Since moving to Ohio a yr ago and my health being so up and down I have not finished my craft studio yet. I have two cricuts. The original and a new wider one. We did get my work station made but now Im wishing I had painted my base cabinets to bring out.a color scheme. I might still do that. Most of my crafting and sewing supplies are in plastic totes. The really big ones. I have the bedroom.at the end of the upstairs designated for my studio. I have a new Bernina quilting machine I got last yr that i used for the first time recently. Your lovely studio has given me inspiration to work on mine some more and have it finally start to take shape. Right now all those totes fill my studio and the bedroom across the hall from ours. Its such a work in progress.
Basically I enjoy all sorts of crafts but mostly scrapbooking, sewing, quilting, embroidery and crocheting. Im a novice at.crocheting so I keep it simple.
Thank you for sharing your studio with us and giving me inspiration to work on getting mine organized.
Your room is so big. Would love to sit and look in person .Missed you lately.
Be safe and dream.
And what a lovely mess it is : ) I like your space and its so much fun, Im looking at ribbons and fabrics and then a really funny hat rest looks back at you, too funny. Its a space I would love to explore more in. Great tour, thank you so much.
And I read your post about your dogs, they are just too cute and Im glad you found a friend for Bently. They sure look happy together, and I wish you all best of luck with the craft fair.
What a great space! Love the chair re do - it looks fabulous!!The lace collection alone makes me happy!
Great creative space :0) Love all the wonderful pictures, thank you for sharing x
LOVE all your stacks of storage, and that glorious ribbon wreath, Wonderfully done. Fabrick stacks are fantastic too. Makes me wish I had the room to display my stacks. The part that made me smile was the Aleene's glue shot. I am that girl too with the several bottles strewn about. I buy the large ones on sale and refill the smaller ones. Keep smiling and creating, thanks for sharing
You have a great organized wall! You have 2 creative spaces?! How very cool! I'm hedging that way; might take a while. I love both of your creative spaces, there's nothing messy about them. Thanks for the wonderful tour!
Love your studio space, Dee Dee...so organized and inspiring. I have heath issues, also, that keep me from doing as much as I'd like to, but just to sit in my room and plan future projects is a pleasure in itself.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with skulls in my studio, though I didn't include them in this years tour...:)
you have a great place and so much storage.
wow what a great room i am so glad that i came over and saw it thanks for the share...love how orgainzed you are you and me would get along well lol....
WOW OH WOW! I wish you could come organize and decorate my craft space! I'm having such horrible issues! Your spaces are BEAUTIFUL! I've missed chatting with you too! LIFE always gets so busy! Would love to catch up with you!
Your crafting space looks so loved!!! Love how homely and comfortable everything is, thanks for sharing with everyone :)
- Jeanette
I love how loved your crafting space looks, everything is so well organised yet comfortable also, thanks for sharing with everyone :)
- Jeanette
Just looked in to say Hi! Love this post. You sure do fit a lot into your space. The chair looks fabulous.
Hi DeeDee, I just love seeing your studio again. I love every inch of it and how interesting and fun it looks to be there and creating. You must just get lost in your space!!
Thank you for sharing and giving us some inspiration.
Have a great rest of the week.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Loved seeing your studio! What a wonderful space to be creative in!
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