Saturday, August 29, 2009

Roses & Tags...Just for You

Hi everyone,
I want to intoduce you to my friend Glenna Nash, she is a new Artist for Aimee Asher . She has her first set up for sale in the shoppe...her roses have always been my favorties and I am so glad I can finally now own them for my personal use ...I have not be able to learn to paint them yet so this is my way out..I have know Glenna for several years thru the PCCrafter Board. I am hoping one day in the future to travel to meet her in real person, unitl then we remain online friends.... thanks Miss Glenna..

So for all my rose loving friends.

please take a look at the set here. I am sure you will soon learn to love her stuff like I do ...Let her know I sent you via her page Here.. I am sure she will love the feedback...she goes under that board name of BrickLady...Good luck on your new venture Glenna and please keep me updated for new items.
P.S. if you miss this here I will soon link this in my side bar for you to watch her shoppe grow...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Days of the Week Tags

I seen these tags over at Living Locurto and new I needed these for my grandkids closets... this will make it easier for my daughter to get the two of them ready for the day...these are a free download so if you can see needing these in your closet stop by for a visit and leave her some love along the way...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

$250.00 in Blog Candy

At The Scrapping Cottage clicke here
At the Scrapping Cottage....check this out..or click on the link in my side bar..two ways to get there for your chance to win....

How would you like to win a $250 shopping spree at the Scrapping Cottage? That's right - the winner will get to choose $250 worth of products at The Scrapping Cottage!Our goal is to reach 500 followers of the Cottage Blog and we need your help.It's pretty simple. Here is what you need to do:1) Become a follower of the CottageBLOG. (If you are already a follower you met the first step).2) Post a link to this contest on your blog. If you don't have a blog you can start one at Leave a comment on your favorite CottageCutz die with a link to your blog using Mr. Linky so we may visit you.We will use to select the winner as soon as we reach 500 followers.Remember, Mr. Linky is there to help you

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Am I Seeing Cupcakes

I did a cupcake swap over at Two Peas in A Bucket with my friend Angie. This was my first swap there so I was unsure of what to do and what was expected of me. I made the tag with the pink flower fabric on there and the little cupcake in the lower corner....being a recycler kinda person that I am ...a few parts are recycled from something else...I think I will make this a challenge in my next post to see who can guess it. Thats a fun idea...

Anyways...I loved all the cupcakes I recieved and wanted to share them with you.. Please check out Two Peas in a Bucket and see all the fun things they offer there,. while you are checking around check out the fun things my friend Angie does on her blog too..She is very creative... She just got published at Basic Grey's go Angie.

Angie thanks for getting me into this swap I had tons of fun and love my cupcakes....

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Happy and Sad day for Me

A year and a half ago I lost my mom, 2 1/2 years ago I lost my dad...since then life has been a financil and mental struggle for me...but in my heart I knew I did the right my parents are marked for all to find in the sea of people they are now a part off....A place for us to remember, a place for us to send prayers and a place to send flowers....and most improtantly a place for us to be able to sit a spell and be at peace with them.. thanks to my older Brother this has come thru.....after 14 months they can now have visitors...even know I am typing thru my tears this is a happy day for me...I can now send flowers since I live far away....Thanks Mike this made my day and I can now let them rest....I love you.....

P.S. Mom and Dad please may you rest in peace and enjoy the visits that come you way...I love you.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Embroidered Cross Bookmarker

I have a old embroidery machine but it can still make some awesome stuff ...My favorite thing to embroider is Stand Alone is stunning everytime..I made this for my friend, she ordered 12 of them in different colors...they come with a tassel that you can make to match but I love the softeness of can find these files for Stand Alone Lace at Embroidery Library. I think thier priceing isn't bad and they get some really good if you have you own embroidery machine check this out....lots of beautiful lace files there.This crosses is stunning in gold or red also....cannot go wrong with it and what a awesome gift...craft you weekend away....

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tilda Givaway at All the Things I Love

Here is this weeks Saturday tilda...isn't she a dol...get your chance to win Here and good luck..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

DIY Thursday

Visit Kimba at A Soft Place to Land for DIY Transformation can also visit The Shabby Chic Cottage for lots and lots of links for fun things to do and your chance to add you finished items. This is a weekly party so check back weekly ..

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Friendship Book

This is a Bo Bunny kit I got a while back....the kit is called Seasons...I have a friend coming to visit next month and wanted a gift for her so I tried hard to finish this. I actually like how it turned out..I will take pics of her and I to fill this up while she is here. Her and I go back about 8 years now, thru several seasons. we don't get to talk much due to our schedules and all, but the bonds are there always. I miss her birthdays, and her christmas and I miss her cooking the most....she is a Pampered Chef Rep... its been awhile since she visited so we will have fun...and will tide us over till we see each other again.....and Dee if you visit my blog..lucky cannot wait to see you...

Finally .....

I have carrots in my garden....I have been watching the foliage grow so beauitful. Seemed like forever for little orange tops to come popping up...But look at the roots on these carrots....they are zig-zag like....I think they grew down deep enough to reach the real Texas soil...Hard rock like dirt...and they couldn't penetrate it so they grew zig-zag roots...think I will have to till into that dirt next year. Maybe the reason for my low growth this year with all my plants... 1st year for growing in Texas for this Northern girl..... Live and learn right...but I will enjoy the few little things I have grown for this year and start planning for next year....these carrots smell so good.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Scrapbook Page Challenge

I made this page for my daughters pregnancy album I have been working on for some time now...My local scrapbooking group ( Creative Outlet) posted this layout as our monthly challenge..I thought it was perfect for my pictures.. can you see my vision from the challenge page they posted...I love making my own sketches, it is a bit of a challenge for me to scrapbook from someone elses sketchs..I went to a group meet-up last night, a new one called Scrapbooking for Lives, I wanted to meet the ladies and it is rare for me on a Saturday night to be awake...I usually have to sleep for work. But since I was up I went and had in mind to finish this page..... I got there , got it all the parts ready and realized.....I need to sew on this page. So please check out the details I have sewn on with my machine..I find myself sewing on lots of my paper crafts....Hope you enjoy some scrapbooking real soon...very theraputic...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sewing Journal

I was visiting Creative Organizing earlier this week and come across this..Finish it Friday....then I was at A Work in Progress and she was doing the Finsih it Friday challenge.....So I think I need to do this for several weeks I have so much to finish... so I did this and got it finished and I love it...So glad and happy to put these supplies back into my crafting stash. Do you have something uyou can get done today that has bbeen waiting and waiting to be for the Finish it Fridays at Creative Organizing...have fun.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Are you Seeing "D's"

I am seeing D's all over the place...I did a swap with my friend Angie making ragged letters, we found directions Here. I am doing the letter "D" which is part of the words Happy Birthday. I now wish I would have done the Happy Halloween one also because they turned out so cute... funny story..when I went to Hobby Lobby to get fabric we got this great idea. How about doing one side for boys and one side for girls....yeah great idea right! I bought the fabric for this... but flip a "D" horizontally over and it isn't correct..good idea! uh,,....once I got them all done I did realize if you flip it vertically ...wha la! it you can see by the picture. I cannot wait to get all the letters back and see my Happy Birthday..I plan on doing the Merry Christmas Swap ...and the alpahbet sets for my grandbabies..try these put they are very funny to do.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sketti Night Prize and a .....

great blog for satisfying your food pallette too......I made these recipe cards for a Sketti Night prize at PCCrafter the party is going on tonight at 7PM central time... follow the link to check it out.. My friend Shelli is hosting. I am also including for my blogging friends a link to another blog Simple Chic Savory she has some great recipes. Very Simple and a picture of each one...I have tried a few from her site...So go and enjoy the party and make yourself some yummy food too..
Graphics By: PCCrafter Artist

Christmas In July Swap

Kimbrely's Card

Elizabeth's Card

this is the coolest slider card I have seen, I need to get directions for this one.

Amanda's Card

Suella's Card

My Card

Hi everyone... I did a Christmas in July Card Swap with one of my local Scrapbooking groups.. here are the results...after seeing these I cannot wait to see the baby ones we did..then we will do Birthday ones..I learnt how to make a new card at our meetup tonight too..need to embellish and I will show it to you is one of those tri-fold ..something they are doing lots at Split Coast Stampers right now... any ways here we go with Christmas already..I have certainly got a good head start now...Y'all have a great day
P.S. I am so bummed I cannot get to my list I am following..I am missing what everyone is doing ..Oh No...hopefully it willbe fixed real soon...