I just loved this idea when my friend Jody sent it to me.She found it Here. I instantly had the idea to make it halloween with a pop up for mints of life savers...I am making a bag for each of my grandkids and these will go in them..I love the original idea and might still need tomake that too....then my friend Paula made this Matchbox ..isn't it just adorable?.. So You can see the versatility of these little boxes...So grap your self one, recycle it and see the fun you could have 

Graphics by: PCCrafter
Match Box Treat Holder
Empty Slid Match Box
Paint in your choice of color
White Card Stock
Graphics Used: Halloween Fright Night
Artist: Marie Cole
1.) Measure your match box top, sides and inside of drawer
2.) Paint box inside and out
3.) Create graphics to fit your dimensions, print and cut out
4.) For pop up, cut an extra small tab on bottom of graphic. Fold and glue to inside of slider box
5.) Glue insert into bottom of drawer box
6.) Apply graphics to outside of box as shown
7.) Embellish with glitter or ribbons as desired
8.) Insert mint or lifesaver…
9.) Write push on back side of slider drawer.
Empty Slid Match Box
Paint in your choice of color
White Card Stock
Graphics Used: Halloween Fright Night
Artist: Marie Cole
1.) Measure your match box top, sides and inside of drawer
2.) Paint box inside and out
3.) Create graphics to fit your dimensions, print and cut out
4.) For pop up, cut an extra small tab on bottom of graphic. Fold and glue to inside of slider box
5.) Glue insert into bottom of drawer box
6.) Apply graphics to outside of box as shown
7.) Embellish with glitter or ribbons as desired
8.) Insert mint or lifesaver…
9.) Write push on back side of slider drawer.
awww cute! I bet you can use the match boxes them as a template to make more huh?
super cute!
Just loved your matchboxes...I can imagine the idea stretched to a larger gift box for the Christmas holiday..thanks for stopping by Pandora's Box!
Those are just super cute!
What a cute idea! Thanks for some Halloween inspiration.
How Cute!! Love this idea! You did a beautiful job!
Those are adorable DeeDee. I just love these little boxes..Thanks so much for linking too.
I never thought of putting candy in them for the kids. Cute idea.
crafters at heart here.....
out visiting this morn..
mona & the girls..
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