Steam Punk
ok so this is my first try with this style of work.....
I was a bit stressed..
I have seen so many cool ones out there...
I was searching my graphics and found this
one a friend sent me at some point...
I loved it ...
had it as my desktop background for some time....
but what could I do to it....
then at work I wanted some cookies from the vending machine...
I know I didn't really need them...
but hey a great idea sparked from it...
Can you imagine this a place of inspiration...
well in my little Betty Boop sequined coin purse was a treasure I have
had for about 3 to 3 1/2 years...
just hanging out in there..
can you tell I don't want to get rid of anything
incase I can use it later....
Yep, thats me and it paid off in this incident
my swap partner for this month is my new friend
I sure hope she likes my first attempt....
here it is
this is my side
and the details upclose
yep can you see my saved find
the sampler lenses
from my first pair
of glasses.
not sure why I asked to have them
but he did give them to me
and I saved them
just for this project..
So funny uh!
here is Becky's side
and the set.
this is the first I have done a set
usually they match each other
these are a mirror image of each other
What do you think.
I loved them and I am so happy to give up my saved
gems after all these years.
one more thing outta here
and here is the card I recieved from
I will be taking a break from swapping ATC cards...
I love doing them and collecting them...
was hoping to make more freinds from doing them...
I have moved to a different medium for a while...
stay tuned...
Happy Swapping no matter what it is