Santa is on His Way
He dropped off the boys gifts here today...
They are ready to dig in to them
But mom says we have to get our
Christmas outfits on first
Bentley is all ready to go
One good Picture Please Boys!!!
There they are all dressed up with
Cute Puppy Dog Smiles
Bentley has a big smile,he says Santa did good
Chuck says "I hate my picture taken"
But Santa deserves a little smile
This Year..
Chuck is all done.. laying in his favorite gift
A new bed from his new friend
Ok, its play time
Cute Outfits uh!!!
Wish Chuck would wear the hoodie
Come on Bentley
Its Picture time..
Now Bentley is ready
But not Chuck.. the story of the day
Hey Boys, Santa is coming..
(They both have to look and see)
Finally we are in
OK, we're done Mom
That's a Wrap!!
I want to wish you all
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
From My home to Yours
Hope your Holiday
Is Filled with
The Spirit
That the Season Brings
And Next Year
Is much more
Than the one that ended in 2012
Big Hugs
DeeDee, Bentley and
P.S. Good Bye Twinkies you will be missed...