Where Bloggers Create by Karen Valentine
Thanks once again Karen for the invite
I am here to show you my messy Studio and New Sewing Room
I don't get to use them as often as I would like
Due to medical issues the last two years.
But when I do this is where I am
My friends come to use it lots too.
Which is so nice for me ..
Cause I get to visit them often
Here we go ->>>>
Here's my spot
If I am crafting or visiting
I love it here.. nice comfy old chair
Re-done with a new computer chair base
And lovely fabrics.
My ribbon storage works wonderful this way
My punches all visible and easy to find
I know, I know it is growing outside the room
Oh No!!
So much stuff, made by Me,
Friends and Swap partners
And more storage and gifts
My storage wall... houses fabric and craft supplies
And yes I know where everything is
It is all organized... well kinda...
(blushing laugh)
Have to have a TV to watch Craft Wars!!
See my lace storage this works well also
And more storage along with my
Sturdy stepping stool
(hint: the chair)
Organized magazines, ribbons and laces
( yes I love trims..ALOT!!)
This soon will have a table attached
To hold MY new Cricut so I can use it more often
Yes I broke down and purchased
Another Cricut.. couldn't live with out one.
Here is where I sit and talk to you all.
Sorry for all the mess and dust
its been a ruff year...
Ok lets see some of the details
The Fluer De Lis
Will be a new icon in this room
Hopefully which will be all decorated by
Next years preview
( I am the one that buys them out at
Hobby Lobby..hehehe!)
A girls gotta have bling ,right!!!
I started working with metals some
My organized spot..
My friends have made me
Some very pretty
Things to hold my stuff
I love each one so much..
(I mean the friends and the lil pretties)
My teachers chair has new life
Thanks to the broken computer chair
I took the good parts from each and
Made an awesome very workable chair..
I did it with a normal oak chair who's
Legs were broken off
They now go up and down and have
A bit of suspension..
So much more comfy too
I designed these little trash keepers
To match my room
I love this lots.
And it matches
( I am so bad I know it)
Look how I store all the new readers I now need
That's new since last year also...
And my stylish magnetic boards.
I so love the lace look
Holds my fun magnets as I make them
PSS!!! I need your help
I need an idea to make something with
That ladies High Heel sitting there
Can you help me out??
My lace and trims storage has been working very good
I can see it and use it so much better now..
Got to have my grandies near by.
Don't ya love my new hat stand too
She glows in the dark like a night light
My boys truely love barking at her
Ok Lets take a look at my sewing room
She is just beginning to take shape
I love my cotton fabrics all sorted..
I use it way more now
Soon I hope above this shelf
Will be a design board
And that old yucky mirror you see
Well, she will be all re-done and looking pretty too
And more useful than she is now
A couple more hat stands...hahaha!
And the starts of my new grand-daughters
Halloween costume
She is due next month.
I think she will be a princess..
I did get my sewing machine cover a makeover
Earlier this year
Isn't she pretty now?
I am glad I finally found a space to hang these Lil Lovlies
I made these way back when my girl was little
Over 20 years ago...UGH! I am old
While stationed in Germany
They had a kit of the month for us military ladies.
These are highlighted with hand embroidery
And used to hang in my daughters room
I still love the memories they bring my heart
A beautiful refashion/recycle project
(Sorry for the bad picture)
Lovely gifts from lovely friends
And so my style too
More gifts from friends
This is also my antique room
Has the treadle machine I learnt to sew in there
All covered up right now thou.
My goal now is this:
To find a spot for all this to fit
So I can have my living room back.
It has been here for over 4 months at least now
I refused to stuff it into the closets
I might just need to donate some of it
I am standing strong for now
And really quite used to it being there..
Well there you have it
Please keep a prayer that I soon
Can use these spaces as I would like to
And create some lovely things to share with you
Thanks for visiting
The door is always open
And you are welcome back anytime.